Primary Care - BSACI

Primary Care

This a quick reference for the primary care worker seeing allergy patients and for those with a specialist interest. Some sections are available to BSACI members, while others are accessible to everyone. To find out more about the work of our Primary Care Committee please click here.

Click here to access the Primary Care Guidelines

To refer to an allergy service please see the list of UK Allergy clinics

If you are thinking of becoming a GPwER in Allergy, click here to view ‘A day in the life of a GPwER in Allergy’

Allergy Clinic Referal form for suspected Anaphylaxis Click here to view

To find out about becoming a BSACI member please click here.

If you are a Primary care worker with an interest in allergy please contact [email protected] with details of your position and centre in order for us to establish the regional interest nationwide.

Allergy Education

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BSACI Regional Primary Care Allergy Training Days

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Postgraduate courses in Allergy and Immunology


A FREE webinar which covers ‘Cow’s Milk Allergy and ‘How to take a History – Part 1’ and Part 2’. Each webinar lasts around 20-25mins.

More online learning (fees may apply)

Allergywise module (RCGP accredited) – Anaphylaxis Campaign

Pulse Learning Modules on Allergy

Guidelines in Practice Articles

Practical Implementation Tips – Food Allergy ( walsh Nov 2016)

‪Food allergy and anaphylaxis: training and investment are key

Greater accuracy in diagnosing drug allergy will improve outcomes
‪Cow’s milk allergy in children: a guide for primary care

‪Training GPs in allergy testing would reduce referrals for rhinitis

‪Primary care has a pivotal role in managing rhinitis

Patients should be offered referral after suspected Anaphylaxis, Dr Matt Doyle
‪An allergy focused clinical history is key in diagnosis of food allergy


Other Articles

BJGP differentiating milk allergy from lactose intolerance

BJGP – practical management of milk allergy in primary care

Cow’s milk protein allergy

Childhood food allergy and intolerance

Measles, mumps and rubella vaccination in a child with suspected egg allergy. 10 minute consultation. Prof. Aziz Sheikh, BMJ 2011: 343:d4536

Other Useful Links

Allergy UK

Anaphylaxis Campaign

Asthma UK

Children’s and Young People ‘s Allergy Network Scotland

Department of Health Greenbook

Primary Care Respiratory Society UK

Primary Care Dermatology Society

Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology

RCPCH National Care Pathways for Childhood Allergies 2011



BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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