Paediatric Allergy Network

This is a multidisciplinary group of allergy-related health professionals who have the common goal of improving children’s allergy service provision in the East Midlands region including Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire.
The group was formed in February 2018 and we are planning to hold a meeting every 6 months. The aim is to develop some consistency in guidelines and to educate health professionals across all levels, in better recognition and management of allergic conditions in children.
We have Quarterly allergy education afternoons at Addenbrookes Hospital allergy department. The contact is [email protected]. Nurses and doctors interested in allergy welcome.
We usually have some topic presentations and clinicians are welcome to bring challenging cases for review. Adult and paediatric included.
We have PANEA, which is the Paediatric Allergy Network of East Anglia, meets every few months at Addenbrookes Hospital. Usually presentations on major topics and case reviews. Paediatrics only, allergy nurses and doctors welcome
We aim to ensure we offer high quality, evidence based excellent care for all patients across our network, which covers the whole of the peninsula including Taunton, Exeter, Torbay, Barnstaple, Plymouth and Truro.
The network is convened by Dr Sian Ludman, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. For further information about the group or to join, please click on the link below.
The chair of East Anglia Paediatric Network is Dr John Chapman at James Paget hospital in Great Yarmouth
The British Paediatric Allergy Network is a friendly and informative on-line forum for discussion and sharing of information.
Who can join?
Any health care professional working in paediatric allergy working anywhere in the UK, we also welcome members working outside of the UK who have links to British paediatric allergy. Our members include doctors, nurses, dietitians and researchers working in primary, secondary and tertiary care.
What can I post?
Anything to do with paediatric allergy, posted by anyone in the group, there is no question too big or too small. In particular, we welcome discussions about
• Interesting or perplexing cases
• Discussion of best practice in managing children with paediatric allergy
• Discussion of difficulties or dilemmas in providing paediatric allergy service provision
• Advertisement of regional or national educational meetings, courses or training events (this can include industry sponsored meetings, but we do not allow industry representatives to become members)
• Information about research studies you are recruiting to, updates on research results or discussion on how we can apply research results to practice.
How can I join?
The current group chair and moderator of the BPAN is Dr Emily Derrick. For further details regarding both the British Paediatric Allergy Network, including requests to join, please email [email protected].
The Midlands Paediatric Allergy Group (MPAG) is a group of health professionals from secondary and tertiary care, and aspiring to include primary care, working in a coordinated manner, unconstrained by existing professional and Trust boundaries, to support the equitable provision of high quality clinically effective paediatric allergy services to children in the Midlands.
Members of MPAG
General Paediatricians, Paediatric Respiratory Physicians, Immunologists, Clinical nurse specialists, Dietitians, Psychologists & Primary Care Professionals (with interest in allergy).
The membership will be restricted to the teams in the Midlands, but external professionals can attend the educational programmes should they wish to do so.
Next MPAG meeting
Cross Reactivities
Save the date: 15/11/24 (virtual), 13:30-16:30
Please click here to view the flyer.
Follow us in Twitter @MpagGroup for news and updates
The Group is currently chaired by Dr Tom Dawson and is supported by a number of other specialists in the area.
The North West Paediatric Allergy and Infection Network was formally recognised in April 2015. The Network is currently focusing on three main work streams: Allergy, Infection and TB.
We bring together, patients, support groups, charities alongside healthcare professionals (Primary. Community, secondary and tertiary care) our aim is to provide high quality and up to date knowledge and information to the children, families and carers of children living with allergies.
Our website contains resources for families, community and healthcare professionals and can be found at: which contains information on our education events and resources. If you would like to receive further information on our meetings and events please contact Laurie Niland.
Our contacts:
Clinical Lead: Dr Peter Arkwright
Network Manager: Suzanne Dixon email: [email protected]
Network Coordinator Laurie Niland email: [email protected]
NIPRAN is a linked group of health professionals from secondary and tertiary care, working in a coordinated manner, unconstrained by existing professional and Trust boundaries, to support the equitable provision of high quality clinically effective paediatric respiratory and allergy services to children residing in Northern Ireland.
Chair: Professor Michael Shields
Secretary and Coordinator: Dr Jenny Hughes
Vice Chair: Dr Gary Doherty
Membership: Includes General Paediatricians, Paediatric Respiratory Physicians, Immunologists, Clinical nurse specialists and Dietitians, Respiratory Physiotherapists and Physiologists. All Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trusts are represented. Representatives from primary care hold an open invitation to the network meetings. Patient Representatives from the Anaphylaxis Campaign and Allergy UK are also members.
Meetings take place at least 4 times per year. The duration of the meeting is usually for 3 hours; with 2 hours devoted to clinical teaching and 1 hour for management.
Minutes of the meeting are recorded and circulated to members.
The NORTHERN Paediatric Allergy Group (NPAG) invites membership from all over the North East, Cumbria and areas above Harrogate. The group started in 2009 and includes members from all secondary and tertiary paediatric allergy services in the North of England. The professionals interested in paediatric allergy meet every 3 months on a “roadshow” basis around Northeast, Northumbria and Cumbria regions.
The aims of the group include:
1. To have an active allergy “network” within the region and beyond
2. To have a unified approach in raising the profile of Paediatric Allergy Services in the region
3. To create uniformity of guidelines by reviewing the individual and trust service working practice
4. To develop local guidelines alongside common evidence-based agreed guidelines and protocols
5. To clarify the type of allergy work each centre will undertake and maintain expertise
6. To provide allergy training and education to juniors doctors, general paediatricians, allergists, dieticians and nurses
7. To promote education CME in paediatric allergy through the allergy EModule, conferences, topic presentations and case discussions
8. To promote research in the region and collaborate in phase I, II and III clinical trials
The NPAG group have an annual Education and research Conference day in February as is open to all who wish to attend. Abstracts, poster presentations and lectures are welcome from all regions and promote close collaboration with our neighbours in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Manchester and Scotland.
For further details please contact :
Co-Chairs: Dr Andrew Bright & Dr Chandra Jampala
Allied Health: Katie Dieteren, Paediatric Allergy & Asthma Nurse Specialist, University Hospital of North Durham, County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
The Children and Young’s People Allergy Network Scotland – CYANS – was established in 2011 to improve allergy care for all children across Scotland, and develop a dedicated service for young people to encourage an easy transition to adult services.
In order to reach these goals, CYANS works through a partnership of patients from 0 to 19 years, their families and friends, health care professionals and the voluntary sector.
Our website can be found here:
The network’s Steering Group consists of clinicians and third-party representatives from across Scotland and meets four times a year to discuss ongoing activity.
Current projects, managed by a number of working groups, include:
CYANS also hosts an Annual Paediatric Study Day which provides 100 delegates each year the opportunity to hear from a variety of allergy specialists. More details can be found here:
Please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have. We always welcome questions and feedback from patients, clinical staff, colleagues and others, and will do our best to help. Please email [email protected].
We meet at about 6 monthly from around 4 to 7 pm
It includes cases and guest presentations.
The venue tends to alternate between Bristol and Cardiff.
We invite all members of the allergy care team; nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and doctors.
Currently, over 25 members affiliated to hospitals around the Three Counties Region (Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire).
Members include doctors, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, researchers from both adult and paediatric background including ENT, Opthalmology, Dermatology, and General Practice.
Meet twice yearly (Spring and Autumn Meeting) for educational meetings. Guest lecture by local and national speakers attend followed by an informal meal with discussion and networking.CPD topics relate to allergy, areas of controversy, new developments, new horizons. A session for difficult/interesting cases to discuss is also available.
The group consists of Paediatricians with interest in allergy, Paediatric allergists, Allergy specialist nurses & Dieticians
Dr Nicola Jay co-ordinates the Yorkshire & Humber regional allergy group meetings twice a year
The University of Edinburgh’s Allergy and Respiratory Research Group (AARG) was established in 2005 by Professor Aziz Sheikh.
We are a multidisciplinary group of academics and clinicians, who together manage a range of clinical, epidemiological and basic science research projects based in Edinburgh and beyond.
Professors Jurgen Schwarze leads the paediatric allergy services at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and he is supported in this role by Aziz Sheikh and Ms Susan Brown.
Jurgen Schwarze also leads the Children’s and Young People’s Allergy Network Scotland (CYANS;
Aziz Sheikh and Jurgen Schwarze co-lead the Scottish Allergy and Respiratory Academy (SARA;, which is responsible for running regular postgraduate training courses for clinicians across Scotland.
The AARG also host the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research(,
a virtual centre that brings together 13 universities from across the UK to drive forward collaborative applied asthma research.
New members – both clinical and academic – are always welcome and can in the first instance contact Dr Lynn Morrice, the AARG Manager: [email protected]
The Wessex Allergy Network is a large and active network which meets 4 times a year (a mixture of face to face and virtual meetings). It brings together key stakeholders in the provision of allergy services including paediatric consultants, allergy nurse specialists, dieticians, psychologists and trainees. We are involved in the development and dissemination of regional guidelines and allergy education. To join the Network emailing list please email [email protected].
We are an informal network of paediatric allergy services and healthcare professionals working (or who have worked) in paediatric allergy in the south-East of England. The group meets for an academic meeting once a year, usually a Friday in September. All members are invited to contribute to the meeting, which includes audits, case presentations, sharing best practice and translating research and guidelines.
Anyone wishing to join the Network, please contact Dr Rosy Wells.
Are you a health professional from primary or acute services working with Children and Young People with allergies in the Kent and Medway area? If so do join our twice yearly Network group.
We are currently meeting in the Maidstone area with 2024 dates of Thursday 29th February and Thursday 19th September, afternoon meetings.
For further information contact [email protected]
The North London Paediatric Allergy Network is a group of multidisciplinary health professionals from secondary and tertiary care who are interested in paediatric allergy.
We meet every 3 – 4 months via Teams with a shared aim –
1. To have an active allergy “network” within the region
2. To have a unified approach in clinical practice through sharing guidelines and clinical experience
3. To provide allergy training and education
4. To promote co-ordinated audits and research within the region
Co-Chairs: Dr Sharon Hall and Dr Erika Harnik
Please email [email protected] if you would like to join the network.
NPRANG exists to promote and improve the health of all children and young people with respiratory disease and/or allergic disease. Our members are from the UK and some from Ireland and we keep them updated through our network with newsletters, X (formerly Twitter) our website and emails. We hold an allergy and respiratory conference once a year. You will find our website at
The NELACIN encompasses all entities providing Allergy and Immunology services within the North-East London and a portion of the Essex region. These services are administered at the following locations:
1. Barts Health NHS Trust – Adult Allergy, Clinical Immunology, Laboratory Immunology and Paediatric Allergy services.
2. Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – Adult Allergy & Paediatric Allergy Services.
3. North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust – Paediatric Allergy Service.
4. University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Adult Allergy & Clinical Immunology Services (RNTNE and RLHIM)
The consortium presently consists of Adult & Paediatric Allergy Consultants, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Clinical Scientists, Allergy Specialist Dietitians, Specialist Pharmacists, Lung Physiologists, Allergy & Immunology Specialty trainee doctors, and other professionals dedicated to the field of Allergy and Immunology in the North-East London Region.
Quarterly meetings are convened, featuring presentations, as part of our collaborative initiative aiming to foster cooperation among allergy and immunology services throughout North-East London and certain areas of Essex. The primary objectives of these meetings include:
• Establishing a clinical governance forum with Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities for the network’s specialist doctors, allied health professionals and primary care clinicians.
• Deliberating on local, regional, and national matters related to allergy and immunology commissioning and service delivery.
• Crafting and aligning referral and management pathways, protocols, and Patient Information Leaflets (PILs).
• Addressing cross-network issues concerning clinical and diagnostic services.
• Facilitating case presentations, service reports, and clinical audit reports, transitional clinic pathways and other SOP’s
• Engaging in discussions on Improving Quality in Allergy Services (IQAS) accreditation and benchmarking.
• Exploring novel and emerging diagnostic techniques.
Dive into the synergy of NELACIN, where innovation meets collaboration, and excellence is the norm. Join us in shaping the future of Allergy and Immunology. Interested minds are encouraged to reach out for further insights into our captivating initiatives and activities. If you have any queries, please contact us via email: [email protected]