GPwER in Allergy FAQs - BSACI

GPwER in Allergy FAQs

How to become a GPwER in Allergy


1. What is the eligibility criteria for GPwER Allergy?

In addition to the speciality criteria the candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • provide evidence of Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) or equivalent in general practice
  • to be actively working in General Practice and be registered on a performers list (or equivalent)
  • undertake an annual medical (whole scope of practice) appraisal
  • provide evidence of GMC registration
  • to have undertaken at least 40 core (undifferentiated) general practice sessions in the 12 months prior to application (please contact the team if you wish to apply for accreditation but are unable to meet this requirement)


2. Do I need to be nationally accredited to be a GPwER in Allergy?

National Accreditation of a GPwER in Allergy is deemed as best practice and is supported by the Royal College of General Practitioners, the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI), NHS England, and patient groups, with interest from the GMC in the context of their developing credentialing proposals. There are many benefits to GPwER accreditation to the individual GPwER, which include:

  • It enables GPs to demonstrate competence against a national standard, including some GPwSIs who have not had the opportunity to accredit against national guidelines.
  • The accreditation is portable, meaning that a GP should not need to re-accredit if they move to a different geographical area.
  • In accordance with the RCGP’s generic GPwER framework, GPwERs accredited through the BSACI’s accreditation process only need to go through the process once, avoiding the need for re-accreditation.
  • GPwERs accredited through the BSACI’s process can act as clinical supervisors and train/mentor other GPs wanting to become a GPwER in Allergy.
  • It is likely that GPwERs accredited through the new process will be better recognised by defence unions.


3. How much general practice do I need to do to be accredited as a GPwER? 

The BSACI and RCGP’s position is that a GPwER is first and foremost a GP with a UK licence to practise, practising in a primary care role. Such GPs bring important additional skills in practising holistically and dealing with complexity and uncertainty to extended roles. Therefore, for the purposes of accreditation, the candidate is required to demonstrate they have undertaken at least 40 core (undifferentiated) GP sessions in the 12 months leading up to accreditation. The figure of 40 sessions has been chosen because it is recognised by the RCGP, BMA and NHS England as a threshold for a low volume of work. It is recognised there are exceptional circumstances and therefore if a GP wishes to apply for accreditation but can’t meet this requirement, they are encouraged to contact the GPwER office to discuss their particular circumstances. 


4. As somebody seeking accreditation for the first time, can my pre-CCT clinical training count towards my accreditation? 

Yes, you can use evidence from your Foundation Year 2 or, if applicable, any relevant specialty training undertaken prior to GP Specialty Training within the five years prior to accreditation. 


5. Do I need a Diploma in Allergy? 

It is advantageous but not essential if you can clearly demonstrate other ways in which you have gained relevant knowledge in your extended scope of practice.  


6. I have completed a diploma in Allergy, how do I get experience in a clinic? 

We suggest that in the first instance you approach your nearby allergy services (hospital and/or community) to ask if they are willing to take you on and support your allergy training. You can also contact your Clinical Commissioning Group, or equivalent in devolved countries, to find out if there are any existing GPwER services in your locality or plans to develop such services. 


7. Who can be a Senior Clinical Supervisor? 

A senior clinical supervisor can be any of the following: 

  • A consultant allergist 
  • An RCGP/BSACI accredited GPwER  
  • Another consultant working in the same scope of practice 


8. How many patient feedback responses are required for GPwER accreditation? 

For the purposes of accreditation, candidates are required to reflect on responses from 25 candidates. Further information can be found on the Patient Survey Guidance document.  


9. How long does it take to become a GPwER in Allergy? 

The formal process will take between 12 to 18 months, with additional 6 months if required for re-assessment. There is no required number of specialist clinics that a GP needs to partake in as part of the accreditation process. The outcome is based on competencies, and other attributes of the GPs performance that enables the GP to demonstrate that they are capable of practising autonomously in a specialist area of medicine. 


10. How much are accreditation fees? 

  • The accreditation fee is £900 per candidate (£750 for current BSACI members). This fee includes one free resubmission.
  • Click here or please email [email protected] for more information.