Registry for Immunotherapy (BRIT) - BSACI

Registry for Immunotherapy (BRIT)

About BRIT

Registry for Immunotherapy (BRIT) is a web-based patient registry that records immunotherapy treatment of patients under the care of BSACI consultants practicing in the UK. BRIT is being rapidly adopted by immunotherapy centres across the United Kingdom.

Immunotherapy is a form of specialised treatment that can harness the immune system and reduce symptoms of a wide range of allergic and non-allergic diseases. BRIT focuses on immunotherapy by injection or by mouth for pollen and mite allergies, treatment of wasp and bee venom reactions, and the use of omalizumab (Xolair, Novartis) injections for chronic urticaria.

Putting patients at the centre of everything we do

There is a huge need to understand the effects immunotherapy has on patient outcomes. Although clinical research trials have shown benefit, it’s important that we can see this too when treating patients in the “real world” in clinic. Many registries are simply a place to put data for others to use but BRIT is not like that, there are lots of direct benefits for patients and clinicians:

  • Patient data is accessible for direct clinical decision-making
  • It’s a clinical tool that allows patients and their clinicians to see if their treatment is working
  • Many treatments keep working after they have been stopped. BRIT participants can continue to provide long term follow up data to the registry once they have been discharged from active treatment
  • The registry will help us monitor the effectiveness of immunotherapy as well as provide us with an evidence base in which to guide commissioning of services and guideline development
  • The registry enhances patient safety by recording serious adverse events that take place during immunotherapy treatment
  • Centres can download their data at the touch of a button to use for departmental audits and IQAS reports to accredit the quality of existing services
  • BRIT has the potential to provide the data that we need to ensure national funding for specialist allergy services
  • BRIT will help to map services and will be able to document how far the patient had to travel to receive their care, as well as residential IMD codes to investigate socio-economic disadvantage

Click here to register for BRIT

Click here for clarification from BSACI on the use of unlicensed medicines in the BRIT Registry

The first BRIT report has been created with the support of charities Anaphylaxis Campaign and Allergy UK and funded by ALK Abello, Allergy Therapeutics and Stallergenes Greer with an unrestricted educational grant. BSACI operates the Registry for Allergy & Clinical Immunology in partnership with Dendrite Clinical Systems Limited. The Society gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Dendrite Clinical Systems for: building, maintaining & hosting the web registry, data analysis and publishing the first report.

Please Click here to view the BRIT Report

This report is a fantastic start at demonstrating just what we can achieve. I look forward to all of us being active contributors to what will no doubt be considered, in a few years’ time when we look back, as a real watershed moment for our specialty.

Professor Adam Fox, BSACI Former President

Registry Documents

Adult Participant Consent Pack

Parent/Child Consent Pack

Parent/Child Consent Pack (Scotland)

Online Privacy Notice

Consultant Leaflet


BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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