The following Primary Guidance has been written by members of the BSACI Primary Care Group based on the BSACI guidelines.
Guideline Title | Year Produced | |
Guidance on use of laboratory allergy testing in primary care | 2025 | View Here |
Adrenaline auto-injector prescription for patients at risk of anaphylaxis: BSACI guidance for primary care |
2023 | View Here |
Guidance on the management of allergy to penicillins and other beta-lactams | 2020 | View Here |
Guidance on milk allergy | 2019 | View Here |
Guidance on the investigation of suspected anaphylaxis during anaesthesia | 2018 | View Here |
Guidance on hymenoptera venom allergy | 2011 | View Here |
There have been several national guidelines developed on allergy in recent years.
Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines on Emergency Management of Anaphylaxis 2008
The iMAP Guideline (an International interpretation of Milk Allergy in Primary Care):
The iMAP Guideline is an extension of the previous MAP guidelines which were produced. These are internationally agreed evidence-based guidelines specifically for the management of cow’s milk allergy. It has been developed by an independent, multidisciplinary group of experts to provide clarity and support for GPs and their primary care teams.
The Guideline is available as an online resource and provides a practical step-by-step guide to aid with the initial recognition of cow’s milk allergy, as well as a series of management algorithms. Please click here to access the guideline and resources.
• Drug allergy: diagnosis and management (CG183) September 2014
• Anaphylaxis (CG 134) – December 2011
• Food allergy in under 19s: assessment and diagnosis (CG116) February 2011
The RCPCH pathways cover all aspects of paediatric allergy management:
Care pathways for children with allergies.
Information for families – series of leaflets and videos to help children and young people and their families understand what to expect when they get an allergy diagnosis.
Information for health professionals – tools to implement the allergy care pathways and educational materials.
There are also NICE approved guidelines developed by BSACI, please click here to access.
Some of these guidelines have been summarised for primary care:
BSACI algorithm for the management of patients with rhinitis in Primary Care, please click here
Other useful guidance is shown below:
Nurses in Allergy Group: Protocol for Paediatric Skin Prick Testing compiled by Rosemary King (Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust) – reviewed by the Standards of Care Committee (SOCC)
Please click here to access the Primary Care page on the website where you will find useful information for primary care workers including information on allergy education, e-learning and links to articles on allergy written for primary care.