CEA Webinar: Nutrition and Allergy - BSACI

CEA Webinar: Nutrition and Allergy

BSACI held a webinar together with Clinical and Experimental Allergy (CEA) on Monday 9th October 2023 at 5 – 6pm.


Title: Nutrition and Allergy

  • Introduction to the webinar by Isabel Skypala and Vanessa Garcia Larsen (17.00 – 17.05)
  • Nutritional issues in non-IgE mediated food allergies – Marion Groetch (17.05 -17.20, Chair: Isabel Skypala)
  • Diet, pro-inflammatory environments and asthma – Dr Francisca de Castro Mendes (17.20 -17.35, Chair: Vanessa Garcia Larsen)
  • Nutrient intake in school-aged children with food allergy – Enza D’Auria (17.35 -17.50), Chair: Vanessa Garcia Larsen
  • Discussion – Chaired by Vanessa Garcia Larsen and Robert Boyle (17.50-18.00)

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