Online courses for Primary Care workers - BSACI

Online courses for Primary Care workers

These courses are primarily online although some of the longer ones do have face to face elements.

Run by: Course Title Study Time Cost
Anaphylaxis UK AllergyWise online training for GPs and practice nurses 6 hours See Anaphylaxis UK website for cost
Anaphylaxis UK Online training and resources for healthcare professionals 6 hours See Anaphylaxis UK website for cost
Anaphylaxis UK Anaphylaxis Campaign AllergyWise for Pharmacists 1 hour Free
BMJ Online modules Anaphylaxis: a guide to management 1 hour From £60. Free to BMA members
Itchy Sneezy Wheezy Multimedia Guide to Paediatric Allergy 9 online modules Free
World Allergy Organisation online learning 1-3 hours Free
World Allergy Organisation Immunology: WAO online lecture series 1-3 hours Free


BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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