Nurses and Allied Health Education - BSACI

Nurses and Allied Health Education

Welcome to the BSACI Nurses and Allied Health Professionals training page. These annual virtual training sessions are arranged by the BSACI Nurses Special Interest Group. Together we offer high quality, conveniently accessible education on key allergy topics for all BSACI members. The speakers are all experts in their respective fields. To view more information about the BSACI Nurses Special Interest Group, view HERE.

To learn more about becoming a member visit our website HERE.

Nurses and Allied Health Education – 2024 Annual Virtual Training Day

The Nurses Special Interest Group is pleased to be facilitating their Annual Training Day for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals on the 26th of April 2024.

Meet the Speakers



BSACI guidance for prescribing Palforzia® Peanut Oral Immunotherapy published

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