Wythenshawe Hospital - Joint Paediatric Allergy Clinic - BSACI

Wythenshawe Hospital - Joint Paediatric Allergy Clinic



Children Seen By

  • Paediatrician (General); Adult physician (Allergist)


Age Group

  • Anaphylaxis
    Children only
  • Asthma
    Children only
  • Regular Challenge Sessions
    Children only
  • Regular Day Case Sessions
    Children only
  • Drug Allergy with Challenge
    Children only
  • Drug Allergy Without Challenge
    Children only
  • Eczema
    Children only
  • Food Allergy
    Children only
  • General Anaesthetic Allergy
  • Latex Allergy
    Children only
  • Pollen
    Children Only
  • Rhinitis
    Children only
  • Urticaria / Angioedema
    Children only
  • Venom Allergy
    Children only

Lead Consultants


  • Dr Naveen Rao
    Consultant Paediatrician with interest in Allergy and Respiratory Medicine
  • Dr Susana Marinho
    Consultant Allergist



  • Dr Aparna Kaniti
    Paediatric staff specialist

Lead Health Professionals


  • Ms Sarah Brooks
    Paediatric Allergy Specialist Nurse

Health Professionals


  • Ms Diane Poulton
    Allergy Dietician
  • Ms Claire Holliday
    Asthma nurse specialist
  • Ms Kate Barker
    Respiratory physio