National Allergy Society (NAS) Dual Membership - BSACI

National Allergy Society (NAS) Dual Membership

The EAACI National Allergy Society (NAS) Dual Membership is available to all current members of BSACI who are in good standing. BSACI Members are entitled to a fee of 30 EUR for annual EAACI membership. If you would like to apply, please indicate that you are a member of the BSACI and fill in your valid membership number. Contact [email protected] should you need a reminder of this.

Please note that BSACI has to confirm if the member is in good standing for each calendar year. For this purpose, note that annually, data is shared between EAACI and BSACI.

You can register for NAS Dual Membership here:


EAACI NAS Members do not benefit from the members’ registration rate at the EAACI annual congress