Allergy Services inform and call BSACI to action as well as report on issues relating to the allergy workforce, national recruitment, trainees and services. The committee chair also sits on the National Allergy Strategy Group and reports on the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Group and works closely with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in particular as the UEMS (Union of European Medical Speciality) Rep for the speciality and provides relevant information and data for and about those working in the speciality of allergy. The main objectives of ‘Allergy Services’ is to inform BSACI about the allergy consultant workforce numbers including national and local recruitment of trainees and consultant posts and keep abreast of any movement within the UK allergy services. Allergy services representative works with the BSACI Junior rep to ensure the delivery of a three-year training programme for allergy/immunology and paediatric allergy trainees.